Saturday, October 28, 2006

So, uhh, about that coffee thing.

Sorry I've been lame the past couple weeks. I want to have some blanket excuse that covers it, but it's pretty much just that I've been lame. And sorry about the short notice of this week, but some of that same lameness carried over.

For coffee we are going to Macrina Bakery. We are NOT going, to the Queen Anne one, but the downtown one. It's located at: 2408 1st Avenue, in between Battery and Wall streets. That’s just a few blocks north of the Pike Place.

It will be at 11:00 as usual, but most of us are usually a few minutes late. Spread the word! Chances are not everyone who can come will see this in time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is Katt.
Aww! I missed it this week. I was really bored yesterday, too.
Well, that just means I'll have to be there twice as much next week....since that makes total sense. ^^;