Friday, October 06, 2006

Actual Post

Before I begin, Bathhouse folks, coffee this week is at El Diablo on Queen Anne (at 11:00am, as always). Location info found here.

So, school has started. Abnormal Psych is nice. Seeing Edmund and Charlotte in the morning is fun, even if I'm too groggy and caught up in the lectures to really take advantage of that. The professor has been aptly described by Charlotte as "adorkable." The class is very... manageable. 3 tests and a group presentation. Intro to Sociology doesn't seem like it's going to be quite as interesting as I hoped, but that's probably just because I like all my other classes so much. If I were at least 5 years older, I would have a crush on my professor. Except when he says "so-shee-aul-oh-gee" instead of "so-see-aul-oh-gee." Piano is easy. I have relearned basic chords and note names. Being in the advanced section is still easy. Tomorrow I decide if I take private lessons too. Stat is wonderful, because I have my awesome professor from developmental psych and it's small and super-chill. This is probably the best quarter I've had so far.

Being sick has left me very mellow. Veeerrrry mellow.
I'm enjoying my current sugar-low more than I enjoyed the high.

I've finally started seriously reading again. I think I'm going back to my geek roots. Before you know it I'll be playing magic cards again.

I learned how to make fancy pizza with Kayla today. We're going to have a pizza party.

I still haven't had my birthday party. I'm fearing it is never going to happen at this point, and that makes me very sad. The same goes for my Thirftway job application- it's all filled out, but I just can't seem to get it turned in. Many things like this irk me of late.

I hate it when people don't at least move animals they hit to the side of the road. My dad and I found an enormous beautiful raccoon in the middle of Gillman when we were coming home. We put him under a tree in discovery park.

I have a fancy purple toe-wrap and anklet. I fear what will happen when the novocaine wears off. One can only take so much Tylenol.

I miss my camera a lot.

I play too much World of Warcraft.


momentwasright said...


you can't stiiiil be sick! That's not fair, not cool and sad. *get better hug* I hope I can come....

Anonymous said...

el loro es..
el loro es....

Elliott said...

Kaya: I'm not still sick, sorry if anything in my post was misleading. I still have a sinus infection actually, but it is basically gone (yay antibiotics). I hope you can come too!

Anonymous: What about the parrot?

Anonymous said...

I'm a-gonna try to be there! (This be Katt) A Mexican hot chocolate sounds like just the perfect thing for a cloudy day like today.
