Saturday, March 17, 2007


should end after junior year. But no one should tell anyone until the year ends. We have to keep pretending as a society that there IS a senior year, or it won't work. Because, see, if you're never actually a senior, you can't get senioritus. I think that would be a wonderful gift to give future generations.

I sort of have to wonder (given how long it's been) if anyone will actually read this.

It is 4:46 AM as I type these words, yay insomnia. I wanted to go to bed earlier, because I was sick this morning, but I spent so much time sleeping today that I had to get out. I went on a walk, which turned into going to Katie's house to talk and watch TV. There's something very freeing about walking around at night. Also, the movie American Pie (even if it was the crappy TV edit) will always hold a very special place in my heart. Thank you, Jake and Alex, for broadening my third grade mind.

I sort of want to try to recap what has been going on the past few months, but that sounds boring. I've basically just done far too much theater and not nearly enough schoolwork. I can't help but try to milk this year for all it's worth, because it's the last for many things.

That's ir probably enough for now. I have papers to write and Halcyon Days sound to do.

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