Thursday, June 08, 2006


Stomache flu is about as much fun as vomiting for hours on end with a temperature of 105º and constant-

Oh... wait...


Anonymous said...

Good luck with your finals! <3
Are you going to try to come to Katt's party on Saturday?

Anonymous said...

Feel better! School is almost out and then we have FRONT PAGE.

Guess we're off for seeing X-Men on Saturday (I've got food poisoning, so it would be off no matter what).

Drink lots of fluids and bland foods once your stomach can keep it down. <3

Elliott said...

Kayla: Thanks ^^ we should go on an Uwajimaya run after school sometime next week maybe if you want and don't ahve too much work.

Kaya: Awww, I'm sorry you got food poisoning : (. This week has not been a good one for health. But that's okay! It'll just make X-Men that much better! Or something!

Yay bland food!