For the six of you who still haven't seen this
My second play of the summer, The Front Page, has started. You will see it, unless you don't live in Washington. I play the corrupt mayor.
I want to hang out with you. I do. But I'm apparently constantly busy. So, call me on my cell and make plans with me. Because I love you.
My To-Do List:
- Shave
- Plan D&D
- Learn to drive.
- Get a job
- Memorize lines
- get a boyfriend
(I don't like spam bots)
The way I talk on AIM and MSN is how I would speak to you in real life. I stretch out words I'd stretch out, I make pauses I would make, and a use periods when I would use a period. Don't question it. Love it.
The Part You Probably Shouldn't Care About
I've been thinking way too much lately. At the risk of sounding extremely emo, this is all probably going to sound extremely emo.
I'm not sure if I have a personality. I've spent so much time changing my personality to mesh better with different people that I don't know if I remember where I started from. Even when I disagree with someone I'm with, is that because of my opinion or the opinion of someone whose opinion I'd rather reflect? Do I get along with people because of who I am or because of all the people I pretend to be?
I am too busy seeing people to see the people I need to see. I do not like how this seems to be working. I'm turning into that guy who you have to stay in contact with in order to ever do things with, because he's so busy he forgets about everything that isn't right in front of him.
What makes a friend a friend? What makes a friend more or less than a friend? Why must we use such ambiguities? As much as I love them, people suck.
I want to see the world, and I know I never will. But that might be okay, because I might just want to see the world because I think I'm supposed to.
The above applies to all of my less realistic hopes and dreams.
I am starting to think I think too much to ever be happy.
I need a button that stops time.